

Gyroscope Sensing

The following sensor data processing techniques have been applied: 1. Noise reduction by removal of outlier data values 2. Noise reduction by applying the moving-average method 3. Application of scaling factors to increment/decrement absolute angles 4. Re-calibration of gyroscope rest-average via sampling 5. Re-calibration of minimal and maximal rest-bound via sampling


Euler Angle from Matrix

ZYX Euler Angle을 이용한 Rotation Matrix 구하기 public Matrix getMatrix() { double sinA = Math.sin(this._alpha); double cosA = Math.cos(this._alpha); double sinB = Math.sin(this._beta); double cosB = Math.cos(this._beta); double sinC = Math.sin(this._gamma); double cosC = Math.cos(this._gamma); double d00 = cosA * cosB; double d10 = sinA * cosB; double d20 = -sinB; double d01 = cosA * sinB * sinC - sin..

'Robotics' 카테고리의 글 목록 (2 Page)